Like post-installation verify type command. AdrianCooney AdrianCooney 1 1 silver badge 1 1 bronze badge. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. All of these can be downloaded from http: Baktaawar Baktaawar 2, 11 11 gold badges 44 44 silver badges 78 78 bronze badges.
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If you're on a Mac with BasicTex installed and receive this error, you need to install some extra Tex packages. Cookie Cookie 1 1 gold badge 5 5 silver badges 8 8 bronze badges.
RPM resource tex()
Also, you need to show a minimal working example, and the command you used to compile the latex file. Sarawut Sarawut 86 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges.
On Fedora 22, I ran into this same issue. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. One more install solves my problem: Asked 6 years, 4 months ago.
Index of /texlive/Contents/live/texmf-dist/tex/latex/adjustbox
Adjusthox best answers are voted up and rise to the top. I, as the adjustbox author, recommend to install the 'vanilla' version of TeX Live, i. AdrianCooney AdrianCooney 1 1 silver badge 1 1 bronze badge. If you didn't as I didn't do the full latex installation 3 GB!
See How to install LaTeX. If you want to decrease the download size to about 24 MB, use: This was helpful to me - I found that using tlmgr to install adjustbox, collectbox and ucs got me to adjustboc point where a Jupyter notebook would download as PDF.
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand adjushbox Terms of Service. That worked in Ubuntu trusty tahr Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Adding the log printed to console when I run download as pdf. PDF creating failed [E All of these can be downloaded from http: You shouldn't need to use anaconda to resolve this issue, but rather it's a lower level dependency that is missing.
Active 3 years, 1 month ago. Asked 4 years, 6 months ago. Like post-installation verify type command.
CTAN: Package adjustbox
I follow the instruction from here tex. Any idea on how to do this on Mac? You could either install the latest version of tex-live or find it's package manager to install the missing packages. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure adkustbox for you and your coworkers to find and share information.
Sign up to join this community. You could also install only adjustbox locally, together with some other of my packages it requires. But when I go to file and do download as PDF, it gives me following error:.
I was getting this error while exporting python adjustboc as pdf. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Post as a guest Name.
Post as a guest Name.
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